Dataset: REviewing Female poweRful AsseMbliEs

The data were collected by the group of Women, Business, and the Law (WBL) of the World Bank Group. The main objective is to study the laws that affect woman in different dimensions like Mobility, Workplace, Pay, Marriage, Parenthood, Entrepreneurship, Assets, and Pension. The data contains the “legal differences between men’s and women’s access to economic opportunities in 190 countries from 1970 to 2020” (WDB, 2021). There are 25 items that were summarized in 8 indexes. We have the information about 190 economies, further, we have the information about some special characteristics of those countries like region, income group, etc. The questionnaires were applied to a sample of lawyers, judges, academics, and members of civil society organizations in 190 economies. In total, we have : 9500 Datapoints(190 countries, 50 years) and 50 variables

An overall index is calculated by the dimentions (WBL: Women, Business and Law) and counts the situation of women’s rights in the Law, in each country. In the following graph, we can see how WBL index is calculated.

On the right, the questions are answered with a yes or no. For instance, Can a woman apply for a passport in the same way as a man? According to the number of yes’s, the value of each factor is calculated so e.g for Afghanistan in 2021, the factor mobility is 50, workplace 75 etc. Finally, the overall WBL Index is combining the dimensions’ scores in one percentage.

