Our first designs

We hope you have already had the opportunity to review our previous posts where we made an introduction to our project as well as we told you what dimensions we had. In this new post, we want to tell you about the creative process that has just begun, in the introduction post we told you about our research questions, well …. we have reformulated one because we believe that the initial version was not so clear.


Well, how do we carry out the creative process? As we all learned, the diverge stage was the first one. In this first stage, each one of us started to generate raw material, we were inspired by some ideas we saw, we were always thinking about the story we wanted to tell with the questions we had posed. And this is what our Miro board looks like:

First look of our miro board

Can you see anything??????? Neither do we, so you can consult it in the following link: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lTRqITg=/

Well, then let’s zoom in. This was one of our first sketches, here we were just thinking about how we could present some frequencies.

One of our first sketches

After this, we had a meeting, each one told the objective of the sketches she made and with this, we were able to group the drawings taking into account which of the questions it could answer. To that stage, we called diverge A, Lets see how it looks:

Diverge A

But at the end, we felt that we could not jump to converge without mapping the sketches and questions. We called this second stage Diverge B

Diverge B

Well now we would like to go into detail on what we think in the emerge stage and the questions we have. (Finally, We know, maybe this blog is getting long hehe)

The first question is: How have laws evolved over the last fifty years toward greater gender equality?

For this particular question, the time variable is relevant, we have a time window of 50 years, we want to find the best way to see the evolution of laws leading to the achievement of gender equality.

By now, we are not sure about which of those graphs or maybe another one is going to be our selection

What is the relationship between the dimensions?

In this case, we are considering some statistical tools like an EFA in order to find the best idea about how are the relations not only between the dimensions but also between the items

A lot of scientific questions pop up having a look at the data set and our ideas for visualization are plenty! Keep in touch for more posts in our blog and visit our Miro board for further sketches. Did you like our work so far? Give us your opinion in the comment section.

